The present perfect is always--> SUBJECT+HAVE/HAS+VERD IN PARTICIPOL.
when the verb is irregular is participol and when the verb ir regular is whit ed.
The present perfect has a connection with te present and de past, EX: he has lost his keys.
he lost his keys in the past, and he don't find it in the present.
The spanihs meaning of have or has is---> HA/HAN
The present perfect go with still, just, already and yet.
still: todavia
already: ya
yet: aun
just: justo
She hasn't written the story yet--> ella no ha escrito la historia aun.
he hasn't sung still--> el no ha cantado todabia.
i have find my pen already--> yo he encontrado mi boli ya.
you have met me just when i am going to the qymnasium.
when the verb is irregular is participol and when the verb ir regular is whit ed.
The present perfect has a connection with te present and de past, EX: he has lost his keys.
he lost his keys in the past, and he don't find it in the present.
The spanihs meaning of have or has is---> HA/HAN
The present perfect go with still, just, already and yet.
still: todavia
already: ya
yet: aun
just: justo
She hasn't written the story yet--> ella no ha escrito la historia aun.
he hasn't sung still--> el no ha cantado todabia.
i have find my pen already--> yo he encontrado mi boli ya.
you have met me just when i am going to the qymnasium.